There are 3-4 packages you will need to install for today’s practical: install.packages(c("xgboost", "eegkit", "forecast", "tseries", "caret")) apart from that everything else should already be available on your system.

If you are using a newer Mac you may have to also install quartz to have everything work (do this if you see errors about X11 during install/execution).

I will endeavour to use explicit imports to make it clear where functions are coming from (functions without library_name:: are part of base R or a function we’ve defined in this notebook).

## Loading required package: eegkitdata
## Loading required package: bigsplines
## Loading required package: quadprog
## Loading required package: ica
## Loading required package: rgl
## Loading required package: signal
## Attaching package: 'signal'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, poly
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod':
##   method            from
## zoo
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: lattice
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:signal':
##     filter
## The following object is masked from 'package:xgboost':
##     slice
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'purrr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:caret':
##     lift

EEG Eye Detection Data

One of the most common types of medical sensor data (and one that we talked about during the lecture) are Electroencephalograms (EEGs).
These measure mesoscale electrical signals (measured in microvolts) within the brain, which are indicative of a region of neuronal activity. Typically, EEGs involve an array of sensors (aka channels) placed on the scalp with a high degree of covariance between sensors.

As EEG data can be very large and unwieldy, we are going to use a relatively small/simple dataset today from this paper.

This dataset is a 117 second continuous EEG measurement collected from a single person with a device called a “Emotiv EEG Neuroheadset”. In combination with the EEG data collection, a camera was used to record whether person being recorded had their eyes open or closed. This was eye status was then manually annotated onto the EEG data with 1 indicated the eyes being closed and 0 the eyes being open. Measures microvoltages are listed in chronological order with the first measured value at the top of the dataframe.

Let’s parse the data directly from the h2o library’s (which we aren’t actually using directly) test data S3 bucket:

eeg_url <- ""
eeg_data <- read.csv(eeg_url)

# add timestamp
Fs <- 117 / nrow(eeg_data)
eeg_data <- transform(eeg_data, ds = seq(0, 116.99999, by = Fs), eyeDetection = as.factor(eyeDetection))
##    0    1 
## 8257 6723
# split dataset into train, validate, test
eeg_train <- subset(eeg_data, split == 'train', select = -split)
##    0    1 
## 4916 4072
eeg_validate <- subset(eeg_data, split == 'valid', select = -split)
eeg_test <- subset(eeg_data, split == 'test', select = -split)

0 Knowing the eeg_data contains 117 seconds of data, inspect the eeg_data dataframe and the code above to and determine how many samples per second were taken?

1 How many EEG electrodes/sensors were used?

Exploratory Data Analysis

Now that we have the dataset and some basic parameters let’s begin with the ever important/relevant exploratory data analysis.

First we should check there is no missing data!

## [1] 0

Great, now we can start generating some plots to look at this data within the time-domain.

First we use reshape2::melt() to transform the eeg_data dataset from a wide format to a long format expected by ggplot2.

Specifically, this converts from “wide” where each electrode has its own column, to a “long” format, where each observation has its own row. This format is often more convenient for data analysis and visualization, especially when dealing with repeated measurements or time-series data.

We then use ggplot2 to create a line plot of electrode intensities per sampling time, with the lines coloured by electrode, and the eye status annotated using dark grey blocks.

melt <- reshape2::melt(eeg_data %>% dplyr::select(-split), id.vars=c("eyeDetection", "ds"), = "Electrode", = "microvolts")

ggplot2::ggplot(melt, ggplot2::aes(x=ds, y=microvolts, color=Electrode)) + 
  ggplot2::geom_line() + 
  ggplot2::ylim(3500,5000) + 
  ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept=ds), data=dplyr::filter(melt, eyeDetection==1), alpha=0.005)

2 Do you see any obvious patterns between eyes being open (dark grey blocks in the plot) and the EEG intensities?

3 Similarly, based on the distribution of eye open/close state over time to anticipate any temporal correlation between these states?

Let’s see if we can directly look at the distribution of EEG intensities and see how they related to eye status.

As there are a few extreme outliers in voltage we will use the dplyr::filter function to remove values outwith of 3750 to 50003. The function uses the %in% operator to check if each value of microvolts is within that range. The function also uses the dplyr::mutate() to change the type of the variable eyeDetection from numeric to a factor (R’s categorical variable type).

melt_train <- reshape2::melt(eeg_train, id.vars=c("eyeDetection", "ds"), = "Electrode", = "microvolts")

# filter huge outliers in voltage
filt_melt_train <- dplyr::filter(melt_train, microvolts %in% (3750:5000)) %>% dplyr::mutate(eyeDetection=as.factor(eyeDetection))

ggplot2::ggplot(filt_melt_train, ggplot2::aes(y=Electrode, x=microvolts, fill=eyeDetection)) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot()

Plots are great but sometimes so it is also useful to directly look at the summary statistics and how they related to eye status. We will do this by grouping the data based on eye status and electrode before calculating the statistics using the convenient dplyr::summarise function.

filt_melt_train %>% dplyr::group_by(eyeDetection, Electrode) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(microvolts), median=median(microvolts), sd=sd(microvolts)) %>% 
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'eyeDetection'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 28 × 5
## # Groups:   eyeDetection [2]
##    eyeDetection Electrode  mean median    sd
##    <fct>        <fct>     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 0            AF3       4294.   4300  35.4
##  2 1            AF3       4305.   4300  34.4
##  3 0            F7        4015.   4020  28.4
##  4 1            F7        4007.   4000  24.9
##  5 0            F3        4268.   4260  20.9
##  6 1            F3        4269.   4260  17.4
##  7 0            FC5       4124.   4120  17.3
##  8 1            FC5       4124.   4120  19.2
##  9 0            T7        4341.   4340  13.9
## 10 1            T7        4342.   4340  15.5
## # ℹ 18 more rows

4 Based on these analyses are any electrodes consistently more intense or varied when eyes are open?


We can also explore the data in frequency space by using a Fast Fourier Transform.
After the FFT we can summarise the distributions of frequencies by their density across the power spectrum. This will let us see if there any obvious patterns related to eye status in the overall frequency distributions.

eegkit::eegpsd(eeg_train %>% dplyr::filter(eyeDetection == 0) %>% dplyr::select(-eyeDetection, -ds), Fs = Fs, xlab="Eye Open")

eegkit::eegpsd(eeg_train %>% dplyr::filter(eyeDetection == 1) %>% dplyr::select(-eyeDetection, -ds), Fs = Fs, xlab="Eye Closed")

8 Do you see any differences between the power spectral densities for the two eye states? If so, describe them.

Independent Component Analysis

We may also wish to explore whether there are multiple sources of neuronal activity being picked up by the sensors.
This can be achieved using a process known as independent component analysis (ICA) which decorrelates the channels and identifies the primary sources of signal within the decorrelated matrix.

ica <- eegkit::eegica(eeg_train %>% dplyr::select(-eyeDetection, -ds), nc=3, method='fast', type='time')
mix <- dplyr::as_tibble(ica$M)
mix$eyeDetection <- eeg_train$eyeDetection
mix$ds <- eeg_train$ds

mix_melt <- reshape2::melt(mix, id.vars=c("eyeDetection", "ds"), = "Independent Component", = "M")

ggplot2::ggplot(mix_melt, ggplot2::aes(x=ds, y=M, color=`Independent Component`)) + 
  ggplot2::geom_line() + 
  ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept=ds), data=dplyr::filter(mix_melt, eyeDetection==1), alpha=0.005) +

9 Does this suggest eye opening relates to an independent component of activity across the electrodes?

Eye Opening Prediction

Now that we’ve explored the data let’s use a simple model to see how well we can predict eye status from the EEGs:

# Convert the training and validation datasets to matrices
eeg_train_matrix <- as.matrix(dplyr::select(eeg_train, -eyeDetection, -ds))
eeg_train_labels <- as.numeric(eeg_train$eyeDetection) -1

eeg_validate_matrix <- as.matrix(dplyr::select(eeg_validate, -eyeDetection, -ds))
eeg_validate_labels <- as.numeric(eeg_validate$eyeDetection) -1

# Build the xgboost model
model <- xgboost(data = eeg_train_matrix, 
                 label = eeg_train_labels,
                 nrounds = 100,
                 max_depth = 4,
                 eta = 0.1,
                 objective = "binary:logistic")
## [1]  train-logloss:0.672173 
## [2]  train-logloss:0.653965 
## [3]  train-logloss:0.638226 
## [4]  train-logloss:0.622881 
## [5]  train-logloss:0.610129 
## [6]  train-logloss:0.599369 
## [7]  train-logloss:0.588913 
## [8]  train-logloss:0.577916 
## [9]  train-logloss:0.568707 
## [10] train-logloss:0.560877 
## [11] train-logloss:0.553595 
## [12] train-logloss:0.546697 
## [13] train-logloss:0.540356 
## [14] train-logloss:0.535189 
## [15] train-logloss:0.528949 
## [16] train-logloss:0.523818 
## [17] train-logloss:0.517499 
## [18] train-logloss:0.513480 
## [19] train-logloss:0.509431 
## [20] train-logloss:0.504572 
## [21] train-logloss:0.501298 
## [22] train-logloss:0.499068 
## [23] train-logloss:0.493927 
## [24] train-logloss:0.488979 
## [25] train-logloss:0.485995 
## [26] train-logloss:0.484120 
## [27] train-logloss:0.480735 
## [28] train-logloss:0.476749 
## [29] train-logloss:0.475324 
## [30] train-logloss:0.471852 
## [31] train-logloss:0.469037 
## [32] train-logloss:0.466092 
## [33] train-logloss:0.464552 
## [34] train-logloss:0.462219 
## [35] train-logloss:0.457720 
## [36] train-logloss:0.455526 
## [37] train-logloss:0.452435 
## [38] train-logloss:0.448676 
## [39] train-logloss:0.447381 
## [40] train-logloss:0.444740 
## [41] train-logloss:0.442885 
## [42] train-logloss:0.441704 
## [43] train-logloss:0.437273 
## [44] train-logloss:0.435778 
## [45] train-logloss:0.432542 
## [46] train-logloss:0.431302 
## [47] train-logloss:0.430229 
## [48] train-logloss:0.426916 
## [49] train-logloss:0.423800 
## [50] train-logloss:0.421908 
## [51] train-logloss:0.419130 
## [52] train-logloss:0.417934 
## [53] train-logloss:0.415003 
## [54] train-logloss:0.414027 
## [55] train-logloss:0.412499 
## [56] train-logloss:0.409956 
## [57] train-logloss:0.408821 
## [58] train-logloss:0.407170 
## [59] train-logloss:0.404487 
## [60] train-logloss:0.402856 
## [61] train-logloss:0.402061 
## [62] train-logloss:0.401169 
## [63] train-logloss:0.400292 
## [64] train-logloss:0.399799 
## [65] train-logloss:0.397281 
## [66] train-logloss:0.395909 
## [67] train-logloss:0.393773 
## [68] train-logloss:0.390365 
## [69] train-logloss:0.389440 
## [70] train-logloss:0.386978 
## [71] train-logloss:0.386324 
## [72] train-logloss:0.385750 
## [73] train-logloss:0.385101 
## [74] train-logloss:0.382760 
## [75] train-logloss:0.381081 
## [76] train-logloss:0.378908 
## [77] train-logloss:0.378428 
## [78] train-logloss:0.376087 
## [79] train-logloss:0.374926 
## [80] train-logloss:0.374230 
## [81] train-logloss:0.373538 
## [82] train-logloss:0.372971 
## [83] train-logloss:0.371651 
## [84] train-logloss:0.371134 
## [85] train-logloss:0.370717 
## [86] train-logloss:0.369246 
## [87] train-logloss:0.368063 
## [88] train-logloss:0.366157 
## [89] train-logloss:0.362902 
## [90] train-logloss:0.362461 
## [91] train-logloss:0.361028 
## [92] train-logloss:0.359356 
## [93] train-logloss:0.358512 
## [94] train-logloss:0.356873 
## [95] train-logloss:0.356331 
## [96] train-logloss:0.355519 
## [97] train-logloss:0.354799 
## [98] train-logloss:0.353089 
## [99] train-logloss:0.351400 
## [100]    train-logloss:0.350408
## ##### xgb.Booster
## raw: 154.4 Kb 
## call:
##   xgb.train(params = params, data = dtrain, nrounds = nrounds, 
##     watchlist = watchlist, verbose = verbose, print_every_n = print_every_n, 
##     early_stopping_rounds = early_stopping_rounds, maximize = maximize, 
##     save_period = save_period, save_name = save_name, xgb_model = xgb_model, 
##     callbacks = callbacks, max_depth = 4, eta = 0.1, objective = "binary:logistic")
## params (as set within xgb.train):
##   max_depth = "4", eta = "0.1", objective = "binary:logistic", validate_parameters = "TRUE"
## xgb.attributes:
##   niter
## callbacks:
##   cb.print.evaluation(period = print_every_n)
##   cb.evaluation.log()
## # of features: 14 
## niter: 100
## nfeatures : 14 
## evaluation_log:
##      iter train_logloss
##     <num>         <num>
##         1     0.6721733
##         2     0.6539652
## ---                    
##        99     0.3514004
##       100     0.3504083

10 Using the caret library (or any other library/model type you want such as a naive Bayes) fit another model to predict eye opening.

11 Using the best performing of the two models (on the validation dataset) calculate and report the test performance (filling in the code below):

12 Describe 2 possible alternative modeling approaches for prediction of eye opening from EEGs we discussed in the lecture but haven’t explored in this notebook.

13 What are 2 R libraries you could use to implement these approaches? (note: you don’t actually have to implement them though!)


14 (Optional) As this is the last practical of the course - let me know how you would change future offerings of this course. This will not impact your marks!